1 min read

Checklist: How to determine whether you are meeting your new obligations

With the latest amendments to the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) (FW Act) taking effect this week, employers should take stock of all the recent FW Act changes and the implications for their business.

Answer the following questions to help you determine whether you are meeting your new obligations. [Subscribers to the Employment Law Handbook can click on the links to review each topic.]

  1. Have you revised your processes and policies in line with the new requirements for discussions about flexible work arrangement requests?
  2. Have you revised your processes and policies in line with the new requirements for responding to requests from casuals to convert to permanent employment?
  3. Are you ready to issue Casual Employment Information Statements to casual employees at the requisite times?
  4. Have you reviewed your policies and practices regarding work-related communications with employees outside working hours consistent with the right to disconnect?
  5. Have you reviewed your policies and practices regarding dealing with union delegates consistent with the new rights of workplace delegates?
  6. Have you reviewed your policies and practices to ensure employees experiencing family and domestic violence are not subject to adverse action and their confidentiality is preserved?
  7. Are you aware of the limitation in the use of fixed-term contracts?
  8. Are you issuing Fixed Term Contract Statements to fixed-term employees at the requisite times?
  9. Do you understand the effect of a contractor opting out of the operation of section 15AA of the FW Act?
  10. Have you reviewed your employment contracts and policies to remove pay secrecy clauses?
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