Case Law
Stop-bullying order required to alleviate real risk of ongoing bullying
Employer found responsible for employee's fraud
Employer hit with damages for defaming employee
Individual flexibility agreement survives despite defects
FWC says no to West Gate Tunnel greenfields agreements
Fair Work Commission rules employee banter constituted bullying and harassment
Contractors can agree not to poach each other's employees
Prior service with labour hire company counts as service with current employer
Sham contracting crackdown
Surveillance devices permitted in drivers' vehicles
Requested adjustments to the workplace for a disabled worker rejected
Heated exchanges with employees by text message will not end well
Ambiguity in enterprise agreement wording can have huge consequences
The Fair Work Commission finds union's interpretation of the enterprise agreement clause was correct.
Dispute over modern award coverage leads to unfair dismissal claim
A general foreperson on a construction site is dismissed after failing a drug test.