Find out how to manage your personal/carer's leave obligations in the latest update
The latest update from the Employment Law Handbook is here! And this update is a must-read for every employer, because if there is one thing that everyone within a workplace has in common, it’s that we all suffer from illness and injury. In addition, many of us will have carer’s responsibilities. So, every employer will need to deal with employees requiring time off due to illness, injury or caring responsibilities. It’s an inescapable obligation. And one that is not as easy as it seems to navigate. The updated chapter Personal/Carer’s Leave will help you tackle it. This chapter will guide you through how personal/carer’s leave is accrued, taken and paid.
Updates to the chapter include:
- removing the special pandemic provisions that no longer apply;
- providing further guidance on how personal/carer’s leave is accrued; and
- including recent cases in which personal/carer’s leave issues have been examined and determined.
- Find out how you can manage absenteeism in your workplace in Absenteeism. In this chapter’s update, we have included:
- further information about the legal risks of disciplining an employee for absenteeism;
- new protections for employees who are absent due to family or domestic violence; and
- new case law to show you how the law has been applied most recently.
- Learn how to reduce the legal risks of implementing workplace change in Workplace Change. This chapter has been revised to:
- remove the special pandemic provisions that no longer apply;
- provide more information about your consultation obligations under modern awards and enterprise agreements; and
- include brand-new case law.
- Explore the latest case law and new Q&As from the Helpdesk.
Until next time,
Employment Law Handbook
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