6 years ago Can we demote a foreign worker for poor performance? Am I able to demote an employee on a 457 visa by reducing his salary for poor performance?
6 years ago Can we request an employee to attend a medical examination? When an employee is injured at work, is the employer allowed to direct the employee to visit the company doctor?
6 years ago Do we have to pay superannuation on overtime? Do award/agreement-free employees get super on overtime that is not paid at a higher rate?
6 years ago How soon can an employee return to work after giving birth? Is there a time limit that an employee cannot return to work after giving birth?
6 years ago Can an employee use annual leave to extend a parental leave period? Can an employee extend her period of absence by taking her annual leave at the end of her unpaid parental leave?
6 years ago Do we have to keep a job open during an indefinite period of leave? How long must we keep this job open and what are the ramifications in relation to workers' compensation?
6 years ago Can an employee return to a pre-parental leave role part-time? Is it possible to include something in the contract that this flexible working arrangement is only possible if we are able to recruit someone to fill the full-time requirement of the position?
6 years ago What can we do if an employee makes repeated complaints? Would the repetitive complaints constitute repudiation of contract?
6 years ago Can we make an employee change their LinkedIn profile image? Do we have a legal right to make an employee change their LinkedIn photo if their current profile picture does not portray a professional image?
6 years ago Can we change the notice terms in our employment contracts? Can we change a number of our employees' employment contracts from requiring a 4-week notice period to requiring a 2-week notice period?
6 years ago Can we track our employee's movements using GPS? Can we install a tracking app on company mobile phones?
6 years ago What can we do if an employee takes unauthorised annual leave? What recourse do we have for employees who take unauthorised leave?
6 years ago Does relocation lead to redundancy? Based on this relocation, will their roles be genuinely made redundant?
6 years ago Do we need to prepare a return to work plan for a personal injury? If an employee has an injury that is not work-related, do we have to put together a return to work plan to ensure they do not injure themselves further at work?
6 years ago Can we challenge an employee's personal leave claim based on stress caused by work? If she presents a medical cert saying she is unfit for work due to stress, can we challenge the 'stress' reason or pass the case onto WorkCover to investigate?