6 years ago Is it safe to use Uber for work travel purposes? What health and safety considerations are there in relation to employees using the Uber service for business?
6 years ago What do I tell the complainant after a misconduct investigation? How much information do I need to give to the complainant – the person who lodged the complaint – about the outcome of a misconduct investigation?
6 years ago What leave entitlements do employees have if they miss their start date? A new employee was to commence on 15 January. He rang today to advise he is sick and unable to commence until 19 January. How do we treat this?
6 years ago Do employees have unfair dismissal protection after probationary periods? Can we still exercise the right to terminate employment within 6 months of commencement without risk of an unfair dismissal claim?
6 years ago Which type of insurance covers independent consultants? If you engage an independent consultant on a fixed-term contract, do you have to pay WorkCover?
6 years ago Can an employee make a claim against us after they resign? Does this mean the staff member has no further recourse to say that she had a mental illness and was not allowed sick leave?
6 years ago Can we change our employees’ hours? Is there any other lawful option available to us to change these part-time hours?
6 years ago Does an employee have a right to see an employer reference? Does a candidate have a right to see information held about them in a referee report?
6 years ago Are employees entitled to sick pay if they miss an overtime shift? If an employee has agreed to work a shift in addition to their normal rostered shifts but gets sick, does the employee have to take paid sick leave?
6 years ago Can a manager be appointed as a bargaining representative? Is it acceptable for a manager in a small business to be appointed by the staff as their bargaining representative?
6 years ago Do we have to pay wages early if the normal pay date falls on a weekend or public holiday? If pay day falls on a weekend, is there an obligation to pay employees on the working day prior to this?
6 years ago Can we reject statutory declarations as evidence for taking sick leave? Can we opt not to accept statuary declarations, pharmacy & e-certificates if it is written in a company leave policy and employees have been given notice?
6 years ago Trust me, I’m a lawyer We have been requested by a lawyer to provide personal information about an employee. Are we under any obligation to advise them of the request?
6 years ago A busman’s holiday Are we able to contact employees while they are on leave? When should we avoid making contact?