6 years ago Can we dismiss an employee who is looking for another job? What is the current legal position on dismissing an employee who has informed us that they are actively looking for another job external to the business?
6 years ago Can we make a stressed worker take personal leave? What is our duty of care to her and other workers? Can we ask her to take personal leave to have some time away from work and to rest?
6 years ago Do payslips need to show how much leave the employee has accrued? Does a pay advice slip have to show leave entitlements – specifically, the outstanding amount of leave an employee is entitled to?
6 years ago Does dishonesty warrant dismissal for serious misconduct? If an employee engages in dishonest behaviour that could damage the reputation of the company would this count as serious misconduct?
6 years ago What is the maximum weight for manual handling? Is there a prescribed maximum weight limit for lifting in the workplace?
6 years ago Is a worker’s refusal to relocate reasonable? Are our employees eligible for a severance package if they say they cannot or will not move to the new location?
7 years ago Can workers be given an extra day of annual leave? Can we allow a full-time employee to take 21 working days of annual leave?
7 years ago Can a non-primary carer take carer’s leave? I understand personal/carer's leave can be taken only by the primary carer. Are there other circumstances where this may be okay?
7 years ago How much time can a worker take on stress leave? How long can an employee be absent on stress leave?
7 years ago Is it right to take a whole day off just for a doctor’s appointment? Can we specify that doctor appointments should be made first thing in the morning or late afternoon so that employees can attend work around the appointment?
7 years ago Can we insist on personal presentation standards at work without risking discrimination? What are reasonable standards of presentation in the workplace?
7 years ago How many warnings before a dismissal? Does the final written warning need to relate to the reason for the prior warnings (i.e. attendance) before we can move to dismissal?