7 months ago Can we refuse to grant unpaid personal leave? Is there an actual entitlement to unpaid personal leave?
8 months ago Can we engage someone on consecutive fixed-term contracts? We have an employee whose 6-month contract will be ending soon. Can we re-engage them on a new 6-month contract?
9 months ago Can we direct an employee to attend a meeting while they are on leave? Can we recall an employee from annual leave to ask them to participate and respond to allegations in an investigation meeting?
9 months ago Must we issue a letter confirming changes to an employee’s role? Should we issue a confirmation letter when changing an employee’s reporting manager or work location?
10 months ago Can a support person answer questions on behalf of the employee? If a union representative is a support person at a disciplinary meeting, can they advise the employee not to answer and take over answering questions?
10 months ago Can we include facilitative provisions in an employment agreement? Can we include facilitative provisions within an employment agreement or does a facilitative provision have to be completed separately?
a year ago How do we determine if an employee is covered by a modern award? How do we determine if an employee is covered by a modern award and if so, which award will apply?
a year ago What can we do if an employee provides insufficient notice upon resignation? Do we have any recourse when our employee resigns and only provides half the required notice?
a year ago Can we relocate an employee into a diminished role? What are our rights and obligations in asking an employee to relocate interstate into a reduced role with reduced remuneration?
a year ago What’s the best way to retrench an employee who is on parental leave? What is the lawful and most expedient process to retrench a long-term staff member who is on parental leave?
a year ago How do we determine pay for travelling workers? Do we only pay for time worked when an employee is sent interstate for work?
a year ago How do we issue a warning for underperformance? What is the process for issuing a warning in relation to poor performance?
a year ago Can long service leave form part of a notice period? When an employee resigns, can long service leave form part of a notice period?
a year ago Is superannuation paid on unused annual leave payouts? Is superannuation paid on unused annual leave that is paid out on termination of employment?
a year ago Can an employee access long service leave while working? Can an employee access their long service leave part-time and work part-time in Victoria?