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In Fair Work Ombudsman v Yogurberry World Square Pty Ltd and Anors (2016), the Fair Work Ombudsman (FWO) sued, as accessories to breaches committed by Yogurberry World Square Pty Ltd (Yogurberry World):

  • YBF Australia Pty Ltd (YBF), which was the master franchisor of the Yogurberry chain;
  • CL Group Pty Ltd, an associated entity of YBF; and
  • the common director, Ms Soon Ok Oh.

The Federal Court found that Yogurberry World had failed to comply with the FW Act by failing to:

  • pay wages in accordance with the award;
  • keep proper records; and
  • issue pay slips.

The other respondents were found to be accessories to those breaches committed by Yogurberry World because:

  • YBF had:
  • established the rates of pay;
  • paid the wages;
  • set the hours of work; and
  • handled the employment matters for the employees;
  • CL Group had undertaken the payroll, operational and accounting functions of the Yogurberry stores and therefore was an accessory as it had:
  • payroll functions;
  • determined hours of work; and
  • dealt with workplace matters with respect to the employees; and
  • Ms Soon Ok Oh had:
  • established the rates of pay of the employees;
  • instructed the manager of the World Square store in the operation of the business, which affected the employees; and
  • on occasion, given directions to the employees.

In Fair Work Ombudsman v Yogurberry World Square Pty Ltd and Anors (2016), the Fair Work Ombudsman (FWO) sued, as accessories to breaches committed by Yogurberry World Square Pty Ltd (Yogurberry World):

YBF Australia Pty Ltd (YBF), which was the master franchisor of the Yogurberry chain;

  • CL Group Pty Ltd, an associated entity of YBF; and
  • the common director, Ms Soon Ok Oh.
  • The Federal Court found that Yogurberry World had failed to comply with the FW

Act by failing to:

  • pay wages in accordance with the award;
  • keep proper records; and
  • issue pay slips.

The other respondents were found to be accessories to those breaches committed by Yogurberry World because:

  • YBF had:
    • established the rates of pay;
    • paid the wages;
      • set the hours of work; and
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