7 years ago How much time can a worker take on stress leave? How long can an employee be absent on stress leave?
7 years ago Is it right to take a whole day off just for a doctor’s appointment? Can we specify that doctor appointments should be made first thing in the morning or late afternoon so that employees can attend work around the appointment?
7 years ago Can we insist on personal presentation standards at work without risking discrimination? What are reasonable standards of presentation in the workplace?
7 years ago How many warnings before a dismissal? Does the final written warning need to relate to the reason for the prior warnings (i.e. attendance) before we can move to dismissal?
7 years ago Can we hire staff for specific projects? Can they be dismissed based on no work or can we employ them on a contract for the life of the specific project?
7 years ago Do we have to pay workers on time when they enter their timesheets late? Is there a prescribed maximum amount of time between the close of a pay period and when an employee is paid (the relevant award does not specify)?
7 years ago Can we dismiss an employee who has been convicted of a criminal offence? One of our employees has recently been convicted of a serious criminal offence. What are our grounds in regard to terminating his employment?
7 years ago What are the specifics of a fair reason to grant carer’s leave? Is this scenario considered a “sudden or unexpected emergency” and thus carer’s leave is appropriate?
7 years ago For how long can we manage a worker’s poor performance? Can you please advise the timeline for managing poor performance?
7 years ago How can we change an enterprise agreement during the access period? How can we rectify the incorrect rates of pay in an enterprise agreement that is in its access period prior to a vote.
7 years ago How soon is too soon to rehire? What is the legislation that prevents it and how long after the role has been made redundant can we hire someone for the same role?
7 years ago Who pays to replace property stolen from the staffroom? What obligation does an employer have when an employee's personal property is stolen from the staffroom by an outsider?
7 years ago Can we provide over-the-counter medication in first aid kits? What is the law regarding the supply of medications?