3 years ago Do we pay superannuation for pay in lieu of notice? When paying a staff member in lieu of notice, do we include superannuation payments?
3 years ago Can an employee be reimbursed for a period of long service leave during which they were ill? An employee wishes to use personal leave for this period and be reimbursed the long service leave. Are they entitled to do this?
3 years ago Can employees claim both government and employer paid parental leave? If an organisation implements a Paid Parental Leave Policy of 12 weeks’ paid parental leave (PPL) for all eligible employees, can the employees also separately claim the Government’s 18 weeks’ PPL afterwards or concurrently?
3 years ago Can we impose a blanket notice period on resigning employees? Can an employer impose a blanket notice period (e.g. 4 or 12 weeks’ notice) on resigning employees?
3 years ago Does casual service count towards service for calculating redundancy pay? Do we include an employee's prior casual service when calculating redundancy pay?
3 years ago Must we keep unpaid overtime records? Are we required to keep records of unpaid overtime for salaried staff?
3 years ago What are the rules around signing employment contracts? When an employee signs an employment contract, do they need to return the entire document need or is it okay to just return the final signature page?
3 years ago When can we direct an award-free employee to take annual leave? Are there any accepted guidelines or precedents for award-free employees?
3 years ago Should position descriptions be attached to employment contracts? Should we attach an employee’s position description to the employment contract?
3 years ago Can employees be covered by an award rather than the employer's agreement? If a company is covered by an enterprise agreement, does that cover all their employees, or can some employees be covered by a modern award?
3 years ago What is an eligible ‘occasion’ for compassionate leave? Is an employee entitled to 2 days for when the family member took ill and 2 days for when he died?
3 years ago Can we make long service leave entitlements consistent across our multi-state business? Can we apply consistent long service leave rules across all of our offices?
4 years ago Can pay be withheld for failure to submit timesheets? One of our part-time employees has been consistently failing to submit a timesheet despite repeated warnings. Can we withhold their pay?
4 years ago What modern award covers our employee? We are hiring a new employee and are unsure what award they would fall under. How do we determine what award applies to them?
4 years ago Must we hold a job open over a long leave without pay period? An employee has requested to take a period of leave without pay for 12 months. Are we required to hold the employee’s position open for them?