4 years ago How soon must we pay superannuation? When an employee has had their employment terminated, what is the maximum period that an employer has to pay their superannuation entitlements?
4 years ago Do we need permission to put photos of staff on social media? Must we ask for permission for each individual photo when featuring photos of staff members on our social media platforms?
4 years ago How does a public holiday affect the parental leave period? If a public holiday falls during an employee's paid parental leave (paid by the employer), is the leave period extended by the duration of the public holiday?
4 years ago Does an employee retain long service leave accrued if there was a break in their service? Can an employee’s long service leave balance be carried over?
4 years ago Must we offer paid parental leave? Is our company obliged to pay paid maternity leave in addition to the Government Paid Parental Leave?
4 years ago How do we proceed with a termination payment we are unable to finance? What can we do when we cannot afford to pay out employees their entitlements?
4 years ago Can you withdraw a redundancy notice? Does the employer have the right to force the employee to remain and deny her redundancy pay?
4 years ago Must we accept a request to change a pre-parental leave position? What are our responsibilities with regard to offering her another role or flexible work arrangements, whereby she would not have to work the overtime and weekends?
4 years ago How do you calculate redundancy entitlements if the employee’s anniversary date falls in the notice period? How do you calculate redundancy pay under the National Employment Standards when making a payment in lieu of notice if the employee's work anniversary date
4 years ago What are our rights to include a non-compete clause in employment contracts? Are we within our legal rights to specify that staff can't work for clients or competitors for a 6-month period after their employment with us ends?
4 years ago Can we ask departing employees to repay money expended for their professional development? Since this is not in the employment contracts with our employees, are we able to enforce this?
4 years ago Must we provide notice to dismiss an employee during their probation? Do we need to provide a notice period, or pay in lieu of notice, when terminating the employment of an employee who is serving a probationary period?
4 years ago What can we do if employees can’t understand instructions due to poor English skills? What can we do if employees can't understand instructions due to poor English skills?
4 years ago Reimbursing employees for motor vehicle expenses As employers, are we obligated to process reimbursement in this way if employees submit a request for it?
4 years ago Restraint clause application Does a restraint clause hold up if the employee was retrenched?