5 years ago Rolling fixed-term contracts Is there a limit to how often you can extend a contract before, in reality, it becomes a permanent position?
5 years ago Pressing domestic necessity What are examples of pressing domestic necessity that would meet the criteria of an employee resigning between the 5–10 years to access long service leave?
5 years ago Requesting to cancel annual leave Are we able to refuse an employee cancelling pre-approved annual leave, and still make them take the leave?
5 years ago Do shut down provisions apply to COVID-19? Do the shut down provisions in the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) apply to the current pandemic situation?
5 years ago What do we need to pay employees during a self-isolation period? Can you please advise what pay an employee is entitled to should self-isolation be either voluntarily or involuntary be required as a result of COVID-19?
5 years ago Do we need to pay our employees public holidays if they are stood down? Do we still have to pay staff for public holidays that occur during a stand down?
5 years ago Unfair dismissal claims against a small business Can an ex-employee file an unfair dismissal claim against a small business?
5 years ago Does unpaid leave count towards service? How does a period of unpaid leave (taken within the probation period) impact on the timeframe for any unfair dismissal claim?
5 years ago Employment changes due to COVID-19 What are the legal implications if we change full-time employees to a 4-day working week?
5 years ago Can annual leave loading be absorbed into the employee’s annualised salary? If we pay above the award rate, can we absorb annual leave loading into the employee's annualised salary?
5 years ago Do we have to pay superannuation on cashed-out annual leave? Does this one-off payment attract the super guarantee?
5 years ago Do overseas caring duties qualify for carer's leave? Does the carer’s leave entitlement still apply even though the employee will have to travel overseas?
5 years ago Can we force staff to work from home during emergencies? Considering recent events such as the coronavirus and the bushfires, can we force staff to work from home due to business requirements?
5 years ago Do we have to provide a performance review plan? The employee has asked for their performance review plan. Do we need to provide this?