7 years ago Can we limit workers from accessing the web on their smart phones? Can we request that the employees leave their mobile phones in the lunchroom and only use them when they are there?
7 years ago How can we dismiss a worker undergoing medical treatment? What course of action do you recommend?
7 years ago How easy is it to change a worker from full-time to casual? Under what circumstances is it allowable to change an employee from full-time to casual? How would this affect the employee's leave entitlements?
7 years ago Paying out time in lieu upon termination of employment If an employee has time in lieu when he is resigning, do we need to pay it out like annual leave?
7 years ago How can we negotiate a worker’s termination date? Do we have to accept a resigning employee's employment termination date?
7 years ago Carer’s leave after childbirth Is a worker entitled to take paid personal/carer’s leave while providing assistance to his wife at hospital during, and immediately after, the birth of their child?
7 years ago Do we pay workers for public holidays while they’re on unpaid leave? As an employer, are we required to pay an employee for a public holiday when the employee is on leave without pay or unpaid parental leave?
7 years ago Can we extend a probationary period in accordance with the contract? Can we extend probation if a clause in the contract states that we can?
7 years ago Probationary periods and unfair dismissal protection Can we still exercise the right to terminate employment within 6 months of commencement without risk of an unfair dismissal claim?
7 years ago Do we have to pay out a bad worker? Under the NES, do we need to make a redundancy payment?
7 years ago Refusing to attend mediation If we require two employees to attend a mediation session to resolve their long-term workplace conflict, can their attendance be enforced?
7 years ago Do we have to provide alternate work to a pregnant worker? Are we able to offer her a salary that may end up being less than the hourly rate she currently receives as a tradesperson?
7 years ago Is purchasing annual leave permissible? Can an employee ask to not be paid for hours worked (as a one-off) and have their payment converted to annual leave instead?
7 years ago Do I have to consult workers about potentially entering an enterprise agreement? If a union is trying to coerce an employer into taking out an enterprise agreement, does the employer have to ask the employees what they want?
7 years ago Disclosing WorkCover claims in a job application Does a worker with a WorkCover claim, present or past, have to disclose this on any job application?